27-year-old woman gives birth to another set of rare identical twins with a one in 10 million chance

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27-year-old Casey Saunders can rightfully be considered a hero mother. Because she and her husband Eugene Goree created a real family of twins.

27-year-old woman gives birth to another set of rare identical twins with a one in 10 million chance

The story of this amazing family began ten years ago.

Then, still very young, Casey gave birth to the charming boys Hayden and Cameron. Not just twins, but monochorionic-monoamniotic brothers who have one placenta and an amniotic sac for two in the womb, and also the same blood type.

The little ones are striking in their incredible resemblance to each other. Because of this, they are often confused by their own parents.

27-year-old woman gives birth to another set of rare identical twins with a one in 10 million chance

Such twins “are obtained” in rare cases, accounting for only one percent of all multiple pregnancies

By the way, it is very difficult to bear such children. Because they are constantly at risk of getting tangled in the umbilical cord.

Fortunately, Casey bore her sons safely. But still, for a long time after that, she did not dare to motherhood.

And now, nine years later, Casey and Eugene are still ripe for further procreation.

27-year-old woman gives birth to another set of rare identical twins with a one in 10 million chance

What was the surprise of the spouses when the doctor delivered a verdict: “Twins again! Monochorionic-monoamniotic…”

The chances of such a coincidence among the spouses were not just small, but almost unrealistic – one in 10 million. And yet they managed to pull out this particular “lottery ticket”.

“When I heard two heartbeats, I thought that the sonographer was mocking me!” Casey recalls.

The doctors said that she would have girls. The survival rate of such twins after the 24th week of pregnancy is from 75 to 80 percent, so the woman was protected as best they could.

27-year-old woman gives birth to another set of rare identical twins with a one in 10 million chance

Fortunately, the babies were born alive and healthy.

The girls were named Maya and Laya. After being born eight weeks early, they had to spend a whole month in the hospital, but now they are doing well.

Four months after giving birth, the happy mother decided to share her amazing story to inspire other women to face the challenges of motherhood.

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