Blind Golden Retriever has his own guide puppy to help him and have fun


At the beginning of this year, the blinded Tao first appeared in the news of the world media.

The fate of the blind golden retriever was followed by thousands of people around the world.

Blind Golden Retriever has his own guide puppy to help him and have fun

In February 2019, Mel – the owner of Tao – noticed how her pet began to scratch his eyes.

It was clear that he was in severe pain.

Tao was taken to the vet, who diagnosed him with glaucoma.

Blind Golden Retriever has his own guide puppy to help him and have fun

Unfortunately, the process was running and there was nothing left but to decide on the removal of the eyeball.

After 11 months, glaucoma “captured” the other eye. Tao lost it too.

Mel took care of Tao and did not leave her pet unattended.

Blind Golden Retriever has his own guide puppy to help him and have fun

But soon she came up with a wonderful idea – to find a guide friend for Tao. It turned out to be a puppy of the same breed – a cute and friendly baby Oko.

Since that day, the couple has not parted. Oko took patronage over the elder friend.

Blind Golden Retriever has his own guide puppy to help him and have fun

He tirelessly was next to Tao, both in the house and during walks.

Tao has over 13,000 followers on Instagram. Everyday life of Oko and Tao does not leave anyone indifferent.

Every day is a new life-affirming and charming post.

Blind Golden Retriever has his own guide puppy to help him and have fun

Now Mel helps all animal lovers and warns them about what the first symptoms of the disease can be.

In addition, she talks about all the intricacies of the psychological rehabilitation of animals left without sight.

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