Meet Mazie Ford, she is a 112-year-old volunteer that makes the world a little better every day

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Meet Mazie Ford. She is 112 years old and has been a volunteer at Memorial Regional Hospital for over 10 years.

Meet Mazie Ford, she is a 112-year-old volunteer that makes the world a little better every day

She admits that the secret of her longevity is hidden in happiness and love. Well, and, perhaps, also in the fact that Mazie does not allow herself to lose heart.

She always wears a blonde wig, a bright blouse with a butterfly brooch, and wears makeup. Mazie likes to say that she has never been seen without pink lipstick on her lips.

After she was widowed, she moved to Hallandale, where she soon remarried.

Meet Mazie Ford, she is a 112-year-old volunteer that makes the world a little better every day

She has always been a creative person. So, for her 100th birthday, Mazie made pink butterflies made of wire and beads for the guests, and all this with her own hands.

And when simple needlework bored her, she began to knit for charity – at first for the Warm Up America Foundation.

Mazie volunteered when she turned 100, knitting tiny baby hats at Memorial Regional Hospital. Now she knits one hat every day and delivers them to the hospital once a month.

The rest of the time, Mazie does not leave the apartment.

Meet Mazie Ford, she is a 112-year-old volunteer that makes the world a little better every day

It is worth noting that thanks to knitting, Mazie met her best friend, Marla, who works in a hospital.

Mazie stuffs the hats with napkins to keep the product in shape.

“I try to match the colors so that they match with each other. I think it’s beautiful, I love everything I do,” the woman says.

Before this, Mazie and her daughter knitted at least 50 hats a month, but now they have slowed down a bit and are making about 35.

Meet Mazie Ford, she is a 112-year-old volunteer that makes the world a little better every day

“Knitting helps keep her mind active and in regular contact with people, so she doesn’t sit alone all the time. Volunteering supports her and hopefully will support me too,” says her daughter Joanne.

Mazie celebrated her 112th birthday, like the last 5 years before, with dinner at a restaurant with loved ones. She hopes to be able to gather there next year with her daughter, friend Marla and her husband to eat steak together.

Mazie is a vivid example of the fact that at any age, it is important not to lose heart and do what you love.

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