Homeless man found a newborn baby in a trash can and raised her as his child: how their fate turned out

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An amazing story happened in China. 8 years ago, this homeless man named Xiong was rummaging through the trash for plastic bottles as usual.

Homeless man found a newborn baby in a trash can and raised her as his child: how their fate turned out

However, a shocking discovery awaited him. From that moment on, his life changed completely.

Back then, Xiong was rummaging through a trash can and accidentally found a strange bundle. There was a cry of a child, he looked closely and realized that a newborn child, who had been thrown away by his own mother, was wrapped in a blanket.

Unfortunately, in the modern world, you can often hear such terrible stories when soulless mothers throw away newborns. Not all of them manage to survive.

But this little girl named Yanyan was lucky – a strange homeless person turned out to be more good-natured than her own mother.

Homeless man found a newborn baby in a trash can and raised her as his child: how their fate turned out

Xiong knew that orphanages in China were overcrowded, children were growing up in difficult conditions, and there were not enough staff.

Therefore, he decided that he could give the girl more attention and care if he kept her and raised her on his own. He decided that she would now be his daughter.

Xiong said that the baby turned out to be a very smart girl.

He teaches her to read, and she already knows some verses by heart. Unfortunately, there are many problems. They live under the bridge, read by the light of streetlamps.

The homeless father is also worried about the fact that the girl cannot go to school because she does not have a residence permit.

Homeless man found a newborn baby in a trash can and raised her as his child: how their fate turned out

Perhaps the authorities will help this unusual family. In the meantime, he and his friends themselves teach the baby to write and read.

Xiong collects bottles and spends money every year on her birthday to take pictures of his daughter. A whole collection of such photographs has already gathered.

Despite the poor living conditions, the girl grew up healthy.

Xiong admits that sometimes he himself is malnourished, because he gives the last to his daughter. He says he will never let her starve.

And Yanyan herself loves her father and says: “My home is where my dad is.”

Homeless man found a newborn baby in a trash can and raised her as his child: how their fate turned out

Of course, a child should not grow up in such conditions. But if it weren’t for Xiong, she wouldn’t survive in the same trash can 8 years ago.

It is simply amazing that this homeless man decided to devote his life to someone else’s child, who turned out to be of no use to anyone.

Perhaps they will be helped, and the child will be able to live in normal conditions. But for now, she only has the endless love of her father.

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