Some time ago, British photographer Simon Dell discovered that a family of mice lives in his garden in Sheffield.
Many in his place would have wondered about the methods of getting rid of them, but Simon was not one of them.
On the contrary, he decided to build a nice little town for the mice so that they would be more comfortable there.
And the mice repaid him in full for their care, giving this beautiful and charming photo shoot.
“Once I was in the garden and took pictures of the birds, and then I was mowing the grass and suddenly I noticed a small running mouse. Looking closely, I realized that it was a very tiny house mouse and she stood like a meerkat on two legs on the mowed grass and looked around. She was so cute that I immediately knew that she would be the star of my photos,” said the photographer.
Then the man sat and watched the mouse run back and forth and gnaw on the nuts she found. It was then that he thought that he could build a more reliable shelter or house for the mouse, where she could hide her supplies and escape from dangers.
Simon named that first mouse George and the second Stuart, but then he noticed another mouse and soon realized that a whole family of mice lived in this part of his garden.
Gradually, the mouse town grew and more and more houses appeared with different exits so that the mice could run away if a predator nevertheless made their way to them.
Simon also began to give the mice more food so that they could make more supplies for the winter.
In total, about 5 mice live in Simon’s town, including a large pregnant female named Mildred. By Christmas, Simon hopes to replenish his mouse town.
Mice breed very quickly, but Simon just wants to have a lively mouse town in his garden.
He finds the mice charming, it is not difficult for him to feed the mice and he is completely satisfied with such an unusual neighborhood.
According to the man, the mice quickly learned to let him get very close to them, although he did not set himself the goal of taming them.
They just obviously don’t see any danger in him.