A talented makeup artist was able to turn an 80-year-old grandmother into a stunning young woman

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Time spares no one. Some people age more slowly, others faster. However, age is deposited on everyone’s face.

A talented makeup artist was able to turn an 80-year-old grandmother into a stunning young woman

Surgical and medical options for rejuvenation exist, but they do not give a 100% result. Yes, and these methods are quite expensive.

A makeup artist from England decided to help her aunt lose 30 years with the help of makeup.

The result of the girl’s work impressed many. Excellent makeup was for Sandra a kind of birthday present.

A talented makeup artist was able to turn an 80-year-old grandmother into a stunning young woman

To create the desired effect, Julia Stronach used a light foundation, a special primer and a mixture of mother-of-pearl and matte shadows.

As a result, the woman managed to mask age spots and characteristic dark circles under her eyes.

One of the experts evaluated Julia’s work and expressed his own point of view.

The makeup artist noted that it is best to use a variety of light makeup options. In this case, the final result is natural. If you ignore this rule, it is easy to create a somewhat awkward makeup.

In an interview with reporters, Julia Stronach spoke about the most common mistakes made by all beginners.

A talented makeup artist was able to turn an 80-year-old grandmother into a stunning young woman

Many people end up using fake lashes or uneven eyeliner when creating their final look. According to Julia, some makeup artists also choose the wrong shadows.

As a result, the age of a person visually only increases, that is, makeup creates the opposite effect.

Julia Stronach recommends that during preparation, carefully analyze the facial features of a person. Only then action can be taken.

First, Julia without fail applies a primer. When selecting this tool, the woman does not recommend saving.

The quality of fixation of other cosmetic formulations depends on it. Then the lady advises using a primer.

A talented makeup artist was able to turn an 80-year-old grandmother into a stunning young woman

Julia notes that with the help of this tool, it will be possible to apply the foundation evenly and avoid the appearance of specific “seams”.

Many makeup artists suggest refusing shimmery pigments when applying makeup to older women.

However, Julia Stronach has a different opinion. The woman believes that each case should be considered individually.

Instead of results, Aunt Julia’s photo literally blew up the Internet. Many users noted the incredible transformation of the woman and wished her a long life.

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