This cat’s name is Gary, he was born in 2015 and was almost entirely white with two small dark spots on his forehead.
These specks looked like eyebrows and all the time gave the kitten a surprised, perplexed look.
When the current owner of the kitten, Andy Entwistle, saw him, he immediately decided to adopt him, as his eyebrows won his heart.
The older the kitten Gary got, the bigger and more expressive his “eyebrows” became.
There is probably not a single person who, at the sight of Gary, would not say, “Oh my God, what a charming cat he is with such a cute face.”
Gary lives with his owners in Bolton, UK.
He got his name in honor of Gary Barlow of the pop-rock band Take That.
His “brows” become even more interesting when the kitten tilts his head.
No one can resist that expression when Gary begs his people for food.
Now Gary is already two years old, this is a completely adult cat.