Jared Leto admitted that in 17 years he did not do what everyone does on a regular basis

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Under the romantic appearance of Jared Leto, it turns out that the character is solid and unshakable, like a rock.

Jared Leto admitted that in 17 years he did not do what everyone does on a regular basis

The other day, the actor came to the Joe Wylie show, the leading British radio station Radio 2 and made a curious confession.

In response to a question about which songs moved him to tears, the handsome man shared that he had not cried for almost 17 years.

“The last time I cried was when I hurt my big toe. In general, I’m like a lizard. Maybe my tear glands aren’t working properly. Or maybe I cried all the tears during the filming of “Requiem for a Dream”? I cried so much at that time,” Jared Leto shares.

Jared Leto admitted that in 17 years he did not do what everyone does on a regular basis

By the way, Leto came to the show for a reason.

He promoted the sixth studio album of his group 30 Seconds To Mars with the optimistic title “It’s the End of the World But It’s a Beautiful Day”, which is scheduled for release in September.

Recall that the rockers did not indulge fans with new records for almost five years.

Jared Leto admitted that in 17 years he did not do what everyone does on a regular basis

In general, it is gratifying that Jared’s events are in full swing not only in his personal life, but also in his work.

Well, he has also been keeping his toes safe for 17 years, of course.

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