Logic Puzzle: Who is the odd one out among the four guys in the picture

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People enjoy solving intellectual puzzles. After all, such tasks can be done both individually and with others to determine who is smarter.

Logic Puzzle: Who is the odd one out among the four guys in the picture

So, here’s our puzzle for you today:

Four guys stand next to a brand-new, just-built doghouse. The little dog is joyfully looking at them from below. He knows for sure who constructed the doghouse and who just came to see the result. Find the odd hero who has nothing to do with building the dog’s house.

You will find the correct answer below the picture of this cute fluffy dog. But try to figure it out on your own first.

The correct answer:

It seems that the man standing on the far left was painting the doghouse, as the color of the roof matches the color of his paint. The guy with the saw was likely working on the boards used for the doghouse.

Logic Puzzle: Who is the odd one out among the four guys in the picture

The man with the hammer was probably assembling the doghouse. However, the young guy holding a brick is the odd one out, as the brick has nothing to do with the doghouse construction.”

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