The hospital hires a dog to work: his main duty is to greet other employees while they work


Hospitals around the world are in a very difficult situation due to the coronavirus pandemic.

This whole situation puts pressure on doctors and patients, worsening their well-being.

The hospital hires a dog to work: his main duty is to greet other employees while they work

But a positive attitude is a direct guarantee of the recovery of patients.

Therefore, the decision was made to employ dogs in clinics, which, according to research, reduce stress, anxiety and loneliness.

Some time ago, Shari Dunaway, a physician at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, posted a photo of an adorable dog that the hospital had hired on her social media page.

The hospital hires a dog to work: his main duty is to greet other employees while they work

She is fully vaccinated, well-groomed, healthy, cheerful and friendly, and has a sign around her neck that reads “Justice Volunteer”.

And all this adorable Labrador has to do is greet the medical center staff when they arrive at work.

When this photo was posted, in the comments, many doctors wrote that such dogs also serve in their hospitals.

The hospital hires a dog to work: his main duty is to greet other employees while they work

They are very pleasing to both doctors and patients, great for raising their spirits.

And some commentators regretted that their hospitals did not have such fluffy and kind employees.

After all, such workers are worth their weight in gold, so the bosses and ordinary employees should take good care of them so that the animals in the hospital are warm and comfortable every minute of every day.

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