Little boy becomes best friends with a foal after discovering that they both share similar disabilities

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A common misfortune brought together a two-month-old foal named Judd and a small resident of Pennsylvania, Tyler Cribbs, who moves on a walker or with the help of his mother.

The touching friendship is part of a project to help horses who are involved in child hippotherapy.

Little boy becomes best friends with a foal after discovering that they both share similar disabilities

As you know, communication with horses is very useful for children with disabilities of physical and mental development.

The leadership of the non-profit Capital Area Therapeutic Riding Association in Grantville, Pennsylvania, decided to repay these animals in the face of the recently born Judd.

The foal has underdeveloped front legs, so it walks with the help of exoprostheses.

The organization provides him with treatment, and also introduced the baby to Tyler, who understands him like no other.

Little boy becomes best friends with a foal after discovering that they both share similar disabilities

In addition, CATRA is raising money for therapy for the foal so that in the future he can fully help children.

According to Heather Cribbs, Tyler’s mother, the boy and foal became best friends.

“For Tyler, communication with a sick animal is very important, it helps him experience his own pain. The boy sees that the foal is coping with the problem and tries to keep up with the friend,” she says.

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