“We were planning to have an eighth child, but others were born as well”: it’s a true miracle

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“We had planned to have an eighth child, but others were born as well,” said Dominika Clarke during a press conference.

Dominika Clarke, 37 years old, gave birth to five babyes, two boys and three girls.

The children were born prematurely via cesarean section, while Dominika was less than 30 weeks pregnant, according to reports.

"We were planning to have an eighth child, but others were born as well": it's a true miracle

In a press conference, Dominika described her latest pregnancy as a “miracle.”

Dominika and her British husband Vince are now proud parents of 12 children, including two more sets of twins.

The other seven children are between 10 months and 12 years old.

Their youngest children, Arianna Daisy, Elizabeth May, Evangeline Rose, Charles Patrick, and Henry James, are still undergoing respiratory support after birth.

"We were planning to have an eighth child, but others were born as well": it's a true miracle

Doctors have said that the children, weighing between 710 and 1,400 grams (1.6 to 3.06 pounds), are currently doing well.

Dominika also mentioned that she felt “much better than I expected.” She is now looking forward to what the future holds for her family.

“If you have a system, a calm approach, and a positive attitude, then it’s possible to have a truly fantastic life with such a large group of children.”

"We were planning to have an eighth child, but others were born as well": it's a true miracle

The hospital stated that the odds of conceiving five twins are one in 52 million.

“As a mathematician, I like this kind of statistics,” Dominika told the journalists, according to the outlet.

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