Ivor is a 1-year-old American Staffordshire Terrier puppy.
He has not heard since birth, and because of this peculiarity, Ivor could not find permanent owners for a long time. People simply did not understand how to communicate with him. And the dog was returned to the shelter 5 times.
By the time he was taken in by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the dog already had serious behavioral disorders.
But the love and care that surrounded Ivor helped him learn to trust people again.
Last December, he finally found a family – Ellie Bromilow, who taught him how to manage without hearing.
The girl trained the dog using sign language. “Ivor already knew the “sit” and “come” commands, which he was taught by the staff of the Royal Society. And with me, he began to understand the commands “lie down”, “stand” and “walk”. Now we are trying to roll.”
“A deaf dog is no different from a hearing dog. We also say everything out loud, showing commands with our hand, and I talk to him a lot – although he does not understand a word,” says Ellie.
Ivor is deaf, but has heightened other senses, such as his sense of smell. According to Ellie, this helps him to better navigate during the game.
“We hide treats around the house and ask him to find them. Ivor, who was unlucky at the beginning of his journey, seems to have now caught his luck.”