When traveling on the train, most people try to avoid communicating with fellow travelers.
But not with an Italian greyhound named Cosmo. Dogs of this breed are often anxious and take a long time to get used to people, but Cosmo is an exception.
Every time the dog gets on the London Underground with his owner, Megan Lane, he starts making friends.
Cosmo communicates with everyone: men in business suits, confused tourists, tired women with children, and so on.
The dog is ready to give joy and support to any stranger who wants to pet him.
“I like to take him with me on the subway, because he always cheers people up and brightens their day,”
Megan Lane said.
Metro passengers are very happy to communicate with Cosmo: many of them stroke him with pleasure and take him in their arms.
And this is always very pleasing to his owner, for whom communication with the dog was once the best consolation.
“I took Cosmo when I had a broken heart and for the first time in my life I was afraid to be alone at home. He became my best friend and always slept under the covers at my feet.” Megan recalls.