The cat left home and after three days returned with a note on his collar that he now has debts


For 3 days, worried owners were looking for their pet cat all over the neighborhood.

The cat eventually returned on his own. But the concern turned out to be justified: the cat came with a note that he now had accumulated debts.

The cat left home and after three days returned with a note on his collar that he now has debts

This story was told to the press by the owner of the cat himself, a resident of the northern city of Thailand, Chiang Mai.

According to the man, in three days he managed to go around the entire area and posted notices about the missing cat everywhere, but no one called.

However, then the cat just came to the door of the house, where the owner found him. The pet did not look exhausted at all, rather contented and full. There was a note tied to his collar.

The cat left home and after three days returned with a note on his collar that he now has debts

“This cat kept his eyes on the fish in my stall, I gave him three mackerels. Call Auntie May,” the sign said.

Of course, the man called the specified number. It turned out that the cat spent all three days in the nearest market, where one of the saleswomen fed him.

The cat left home and after three days returned with a note on his collar that he now has debts

“Cats are like children. They grow up, leave, and return with debts,” – the owner of the debtor jokingly explained to journalists.

Of course, the man paid the woman for the fish. In the end, all debts must be repaid.

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