When Qian was 4 years old, she got into a car accident. The girl woke up without legs.
Qian’s parents were low-income and therefore could not afford to purchase artificial limbs for the child, not to mention the expensive rehabilitation.
Not knowing what else to do, Qian’s grandfather cut the basketball so that the girl could fit her lower body inside the ball. And with the help of ordinary old door handles, Qian was able to move around the floor.
Donations were made in the girl’s name. And Qian was able to go to Beijing to try on her first prostheses.
Thanks to donations, Qian was also able to complete her primary education.
To get further education, new funds were needed. And the Qian family did not have them – her parents worked as ordinary farmers and lived very modestly.
So Qian returned home, but instead of despairing, she decided to take every chance that life gives her.
In her province, the girl found a newly organized group where people with disabilities were trained to swim.
The girl does not intend to be a burden to her parents or complain about fate. After all, despite how much fate deprived her, life itself is already a lot.
In 2014, Qian won the 100 m swim at the local Yunnan Paralympics.