After natural phenomena, a piece of land that used to be a forest gradually turned into an eroded wasteland.
The young guy saw the injured reptiles in the wasteland. This incident became the impetus for action.
A deserted piece of land is washed by a river, but this did not save the trees. A piece of land turned into a wasteland. And under the influence of erosion, the island began to gradually collapse and every year more and more rapidly.
In 1980, the Indian government launched a reforestation program and Jadav Payeng immediately took part in this work.
In the vicinity of his native village, it was planned to plant 200 hectares of forest. Payeng planted all the years with the participants of this program.
After the state completed its project, Jadav stayed on this island, continued to plant trees and protect forests from poachers.
The largest number of trees that grow on the island is bamboo. There are several tens of thousands of plants and trees on the island. Birds, rhinos and other animals settled in the forest.
After this area was inhabited by animals, the poachers tried to arrange a hunt, but Payeng informed the authorities and by joint efforts all the snares and traps were destroyed. And the perpetrators were punished.
This section of the forest was not known to the authorities, if not for an interesting case, a herd of elephants left the reserve and the workers of the conservation zone could not find them.
Having visited the forest in 2008, the staff of the reserve were surprised by the restored flora and fauna. They informed the authorities about the achievements of Jadav.
Already in 2012, the University of Conservation Areas invited Payeng and presented him with an award.
After the name of the Indian savior of the forest became known to the world, he began to be recognized on the streets.
In 2015, he was awarded the State Award of India for his high achievements and contribution to the development of protected areas. A film was also made about the Indian activist and an island was named after him.
At the moment, the territory of the forest has an area of 550 hectares. The forest was named after Molay (this is the nickname of the Indian conservationist).
Molay’s immediate plans include planting a forest on yet another deserted bank of the river.
Molay does not receive financial profit from this activity, he lives in an ordinary hut in the same forest with his family.
His only income is buffaloes, which he raises, receives meat and milk from these animals, sells part of the milk, and uses the rest for food.